The Second Annual Conference on Gross National Happiness The Second International Conference on Gross National Happiness
Local Pathways to Global Wellbeing
St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
June 20 to June 24, 2005
  Violeta Manoukian
The Litmus Test of Sustainable Wellbeing:
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation contributes to both vertical and horizontal transparency and accountability.
The objective of this workshop is to offer participants an overview of successful approaches to Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) - the litmus test of sustainable development efforts. PME is an indispensable tool to efficient and equitable collective decision-making which, in turn, is one of the sine qua nons of sustainable wellbeing.

Good governance, social inclusion, local capacity building, and sustainability in a broad variety of contexts are presented using PME exemplars from South East Asia, Latin America and Africa to encourage discussion among workshop participants. Despite their differences all these approaches to PME share several common principles: (i) primary stakeholders are empowered as active participants of development efforts; (ii) building capacity of local people to analyze, reflect and take action; (iii) joint learning of stakeholders at various levels; and (iv) catalyzing commitment to take corrective actions.

PME brings together stakeholders at all three levels of development efforts — policy makers, intermediaries and communities — to determine, monitor and evaluate their own indicators of success. Thus PME contributes to both vertical and horizontal transparency and accountability. It also creates an enabling environment for collaboration among stakeholder groups which otherwise might not realize that they have a common interest in mutual wellbeing.

Depending on specific needs, a good mix of qualitative and quantitative PME indicators includes processes, inputs, outputs, and results as well as impacts. Workshop participants will discuss these as well as the different iterative steps of a generic PME cycle:
  • determine which stakeholders will participate,
  • establish goals,
  • develop indicators,
  • gather information,
  • analyze results,
  • share results, and
  • take action.

International Participatory Alternatives through Cooperation, Training and Trade
2780 Rowatt Street, Suite #2,
Ottawa, Canada K2B 6P1

Tel: (613) 828-5678
Fax: (613) 828-4567

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