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August 2010
International Youth Internships Application Information

Youth Research Facilitator
Location: Bhutan/Nova Scotia
Host partner organizations: Bhutan Youth Development Fund/GPI Atlantic

GPI Atlantic and the Bhutan Youth Development Fund (YDF) are creating an innovative project as part of the Stories of Amazing Resilience: Youth Leaders for Community Wellbeing Program (see below for more information), of youth well being research and inter-generational sharing of local wisdom. The research side will be youth-adult partnerships with youth participation in research on issues affecting their well-being, with special focus on climate change in Bhutan and the preservation of local wisdom about environmental conservation and biodiversity as well as on youth perspectives of resilience and wellbeing more generally. Focus groups and mixed-methods research will be conducted and findings presented creatively within communities, including through the use of video, blogs and web-based publication of results. Democracy is only one year old in Bhutan and creating youth familiarity with democratic process is also a key component of the project.

The ideal candidate would have:

  • A working knowledge of social media and various communications methods and web skills. Video experience is also desirable.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Basic research skills and an interest in working on a research team. - Computer skills, including presentation programs such as power point.
  • Personable, polite and friendly and enjoy being with youth as well as older people.
  • Some demonstrated ability to organize an event or program and to take initiative.
  • Some experience working with people from another culture or strong interest in international development.
  • One intern would have interest and some knowledge of environmental conservation or related topics such as biodiversity or climate change.
  • One intern would have interest and some knowledge of wellbeing and youth resilience issues in general.
  • Able to physically handle tough terrains.
  • Able to speak in public.
  • Able to conduct meetings.
  • Intern will need police check, child abuse screening, and emergency Red Cross training but GPI Atlantic will help with these.
  • Experience working with youth strongly desired.
  • Both interns may work together or may work in separate parts of Bhutan with YDF program staff to conduct simultaneous camps and/or research, depending on conditions in Bhutan.

In Canada:
  • Undergo extensive training in youth facilitation and program management.
  • Conduct a 2-day workshop with youth to demonstrate learned skills. The focus will be similar to that of the camps in Bhutan.
  • Undergo intensive training in qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as indicator selection, application and development.
  • Work with senior research staff at GPI Atlantic and in consultation with YDF to develop survey questions regarding youth concerns with climate change and the passing on of local wisdom about the environment including biodiversity, traditional plant medicines, etc.
  • Undergo intensive seminars in topics regarding understanding and researching youth wellbeing and resilience across diverse contexts and cultures.
  • Receive training in video and blogging skills and test them before departure.
  • Create a written assessment of program needs and plans after looking at materials from previous programs conducted by GPI Atlantic and YDF.
  • Create youth-oriented public engagement events after return from Bhutan.
In Bhutan, the youth interns will work with YDF program staff to:
  • Finalize survey questions.
  • Plan and put on a series of camps with mock parliament sessions.
  • Work with specific youth populations on the camps and research methods.
  • Work with local elders to get their input on the level of youth knowledge of local wisdom in the areas of environmental conservation and biodiversity.
  • Liaise with other organizations working in environmental conservation and wellbeing in Bhutan and in research and youth programming.
  • Conduct training sessions for Young Volunteers in Action on youth facilitation, program management, etc.
  • Collate results of the mixed-methods research and help analyze them.
  • Publish written results.
  • Continue blog updates and video documentation throughout the project.
  • Edit video for upload to websites.
  • Help plan and facilitate community events to share research results.
  • Create a sourcebook for use by YDF program staff to continue the camps and build on results of the surveys.
Starting Date: late August 2010
Ending Date: May 2011
Months Overseas: 5
Number of positions: 2

International Internship Application Guidelines

To be eligible for the International Youth Internship Program, an intern must be:
  • A Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • A post-secondary graduate - graduate of a degree or diploma program from a university, college, post-secondary school of technology, post-secondary institute or a CEGEP (collège d'enseignement général et professionnel)
  • Out of school
  • Between the ages of 19 and 30
  • Unemployed or underemployed
  • Legally entitled to work in Canada
For a broader definition of the eligibility criteria, see the FAQs for Interns. The applicant MUST meet all eligibility criteria at the time of signing their contract with their Canadian partner organization.

Salary: Stipend of $225 per week

Other Benefits include travel to overseas posting; medical insurance and visas; cultural awareness training; language training if necessary; job search skills; and other potential training courses.

Duration: 8.5 months, approx. 3.5 months in Canada & 5 months overseas

Send Applications (resume and coverletter) to:

Application deadline: August 27, 2010

While we appreciate the interest of all applicants, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

Other information:
  • Please include job title “Youth Research Facilitator” in subject line of email application


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