"Walk into a new NSLC store and the difference is immediately striking. The design is warm and inviting. The store is laid out to make sense. The selection is slowly growing to cater to different tastes. And if you don't know which vintage of wine to enjoy with fresh salmon, you can ask someone for help - and get it. "
January 11, 2005, The Chronicle Herald
VLTs blasted right and left. Province feasting on problem gamblers, think-tanks agree
“ The province expects to pocket about $180 million in gambling profits this year, with more than half of that coming from video lottery terminals. ¶ Colman says VLTs create the biggest problem for addicts, so he's suggesting that the province consider banning the machines or limit access to them. ¶ But Premier John Hamm won't consider a VLT ban, claiming that would open the door to a flood of black market machines. He seems ready to accept less revenue from VLTs, though. ”
October 28, 2004, The Chronicle Herald
Study ponders whether revenue from gambling worth social ‘trade-off’