Trimming our footprint – Here's how you can reduce your impact on Mother Earth
Part 2 of a pair of articles by Silver Donald Cameron
See previous article, Ecological Footprints.
GPI ATLANTIC'S recent report called The Nova Scotia Ecological Footprint
( shows that the average Nova Scotian uses the productive capacity of 8.1 hectares of the Earth to sustain his or her lifestyle - but our fair share is only 1.8 hectares each. If everyone on Earth consumed as we do,
humanity would need four more planets to support itself.
Ecologically, we are living in deficit, and GPI Atlantic proposes that we
undertake to reduce our footprint to seven hectares now. It seems a modest
goal, and most of us could probably achieve it simply by changing our habits.
There is no one simple fix; we affect the environment in everything we do. But
we have actually known many of the solutions since the oil shocks of the 1970s,
though we abandoned them when the oil price fell.
We can buy intelligent, efficient vehicles and resolve once again to turn down
our thermostats. We can insulate our houses, drive less, walk more.
Those actions drove our provincial footprint down from 9.7 hectares in 1979 to
less than seven hectares in the early 1980s. We can also use more local
products, especially food. We currently import 88 per cent of our food, the
average item from 2,000 kilometres away. The energy used in producing and
delivering food represents nearly 14 per cent of our total energy use.
In short, we can strive to follow the dramatic example of Phil Thompson, an
energy consultant on Saltmarsh Island on the Eastern Shore, who powers his
small home on one horsepower, derived entirely from renewable sources.
That's about 80 per cent less energy than even frugal North American homes, and
it demonstrates what a dedicated individual can accomplish even against the
grain of a wasteful consumer society.
Still, there is a limit to what we can do as individuals. A deep reduction in
our footprint requires serious political and social change. We need to plan
differently, tax differently, build differently, think differently.
The good news is that such changes can also improve the quality of our lives.
Consider food, once again. In 1921, Nova Scotia had 47,000 farms with nearly
two million hectares under cultivation, and we were largely self-sufficient in
food. Today the number of farms has shrunk by 90 per cent, and the area of
farmland by 80 per cent. Strong support for sustainable farming and local
agriculture would re-invigorate rural life while reducing both our energy
footprint and our dependence on imports. Fresh organic foods would improve our
diet as well, and reduce the strain on our health-care system.
Obesity, says GPI, probably costs Nova Scotia $120 million in health care costs
every year.
Other changes may be highly controversial. We should invest heavily in public
transportation, for example, subsidizing trains and buses while discouraging
private vehicle use.
In practice, that might mean implementing commuter rail service down the South
Shore and the Valley from Halifax rather than twinning Highways 101 and 103.
Some motorists would be outraged. We could also use tax incentives and
regulation to discourage suburban sprawl and foster higher-density
neighbourhoods. Builders and owners of suburban monster homes would scream
about that, too.
But Nova Scotians are frugal people who instinctively understand that waste is
ultimately immoral - a point which the GPI report underlines strongly.
Because nature's resources are limited, over-consumption in one time or place
produces poverty elsewhere. Ultimately the First World can remain rich only by
compelling the Third World to remain poor, and the present generation's
prosperity must inevitably result in the impoverishment - or worse - of our
Hence the First World's unholy passion for free trade uber alles, unrestricted
by social and environmental constraints. Such trade arrangements permit the
wealthy to pillage the resources of distant places while exporting the burdens
of development.
We get the sneakers and the stereos, while Asia and South America get the
pollution, the child labour, the shanty towns. The weight of our footprint
crushes people in very distant places.
The most difficult change will be in our attitudes. We cherish economic growth,
as measured by an increasing Gross Domestic Product, but a rising GDP actually
intensifies our problems. We view consumption as a badge of success, not as a
symptom of social irresponsibility. We shun physical activity, and die of
preventable diseases.
But GPI points out that we have shown ourselves capable of dramatic
improvements. We reduced our solid waste footprint by 50 per cent in a decade,
making Nova Scotia a world leader in recycling. Bear River has implemented
award-winning sewage treatment facilities. Citizen effort is restoring our
salmon streams. The Western Valley Development Authority is exploring
wind-powered electrical generation.
The Nova Scotia Ecological Footprint is a provocative portrayal of our very own
contributions to the global crisis. What we do with the information is up to
us. But we can no longer say we didn't know.
Award-winning author Silver Donald Cameron lives in D'Escousse.
Authors: Anne Monette, MES; Ronald Colman, Ph.D; and Jeff Wilson, BES
The environmental impact of consumption patterns, including transportation, residential energy use, and food consumption in Prince Edward Island. Includes 40-year ecological footprint trends, with projections to 2020 and assessments of alternative footprint reduction options.
Authors: Anne Monette, MES; Ronald Colman, Ph.D; and Jeff Wilson, BES
The environmental impact of consumption patterns, including transportation, residential energy use, and food consumption in Nova Scotia. Includes trends over time, projections to 2020 and assessments of alternative footprint reduction options.